Friday 18 March 2016

3rd Rough Cut of the Final Scene

After getting audience feedback on my 2nd Rough Cut, i re-edited the scene, by changing a lot of the sound, lighting and adding the small clip before where Bronwen is coming out of the church. It was my job in our group to edit this final scene, and make it have a lot of tension. This is in fact one of the most important scenes, since this is the ending where the mask is finally revealed and our final girl gets kidnapped. I changed the ambient sound by taking the ambient sound that wasn't too loud from one of the clips and putting it on the re-loop.
In terms of non-diegetic soundtrack, there isn't anyone on this cut yet, since I wanted to finish the editing of the scene before putting the soundtrack on there.
I am currently working together with one of my very good friends called, Max Genson, who is a really talented DJ. He has produced a lot of music himself and was able to help me for the soundtrack. Since, I am the one from our group who plays an instrument and sings outside of school, we decided that it would be a suitable task if I produced the soundtrack together with Max. He is also the one, who has produced the non-diegetic music that is in the first scene in the basement on rough cut 1.

Furthermore, I added the blue tint, when editing so that all the shots would look more dark and scary and that they would look the same way as the one in rough cut 2, where there is a natural blue lighting in the shot. This made there be a better continuity in the different shots and it also connoted the dark feeling and tension. 

I made some of the clips shorter as well, so that I would be able to add more tension to it as well once I get the non-diegetic soundtrack on, which I will be working on together with one of my friends, who is a working as a DJ. The 4th rough cut, will be up, once I have completed the music soundtrack.

Another thing I did was to zoom in on the shot of the killer and keep changing the shots so that it would cut from the point-of-view shot with the killer to the shot where the audience sees him entirely. I did this in order to create more tension and show the audience that he keeps coming closer and closer to kidnapping her.

According to my audience feedback, the zoom in did have the intentional effect. I was also advised to do a shot, reverse shot between the killer's point of view when he looks at Bronwen and when the audience sees him on screen. The shaky footage was done by us on purpose to denote that the killer is observing her. Also the shot, reverse shot allowed for there to be more tension created rather than it being one shot after the other. So I created a bit more shot variety.

1 comment:

  1. You've got to take every opportunity to practice and apply semiotic terms. Think about how much we took from one shot of a TV drama (Torchwood), and think ahead to your Evaluation, where semiotic analysis is key. You should also try to (probably in a separate post) note the FCPX tools used to create this.
    It is a big improvement; editing is much harder than it may seem at first, keep imagining this as a text you were analysing and always ask why the shot/edit was chosen, what it was intended to signify as part of the preferred reading


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