Thursday, 5 November 2015

Vodcast 2: Semiotics

This is my vodcast in which I am commenting on semiotics and discussing which of my 5 genre specific horror movies they can be applied to.

"This second vodcast will be about semiotics. Semiotics is about the study of signs and symbols and their use of interpretation. There are many different examples of semiotics in the 5 genre specific movies i analysed in class.

One example is the one from the film "Dream House". In the beginning of this film, there is a low angle shot of a skyscraper. This low angle shot could be a sign that the main character has a very high and valued position. Moreover, after having been introduced to the main character through this extreme close-up, we see a draft of the book that he intends to write and publish. The drawings and the title of the book "Daddy's Dream House" could be a signifier to the audience that the main character has children.

Another example for the semiotics, is the one form the movie "The Conjuring". In this case, this doll, is emphasising on the genre of the movie. Also, since this is an extreme close-up and also the first shot the audience sees, we can interpret that the film will be about this doll. Very often, these dirt and blood covered dolls are used as stage requisites to add to the scarifying horror genre.

The last example is one from the film "Insidious". In this horror movie a main dominant element is the color choice. As you see here, the media producers decided to put the titles and credits in a red font on a background of black and white pictures from the inside and outside of the house. This is firstly used to establish a setting for the audience, but also to create a clear contrast and let the red color be used a symbol for blood and danger so that the audience can identify the horror genre."

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